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Our Purpose

Our purpose - Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
Our vision - Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

Our Vision and Purpose

To tatou moemoeā me te kaupapa

To provide specialised services and programmes that strengthen and empower grandparent and whānau care families so they can raise resilient and healthy tamariki and rangatahi.

Te whakamana i ngā tupuna me ngā whānau, whaanui ki te whakatipu tamariki pakari me te hauora me te rangatahi. Ko tāmātou whāinga ko te whakarato ratonga ngaio e whakakaha ana i te whānau.


Our Values

Ngā Matapono
Children are our taonga

Children are our taonga

Children are precious and their caregivers are the guardians of their future.

He taonga nga tamariki, ko o ratou tupuna, nga kaitiaki o to ratou heke mai.

Whakapapa and Whanaungatanga

Whakapapa and Whanaungatanga

We embrace the need for people to be connected and belong to their family or whānau through the concepts of whakapapa and whanaungatanga.

Ka awhi matou i te hiahia kia honohono ngā tangata, kia uru ki o ratau whānau, ma roto i ngā kaupapa whakapapa me te whanaungatanga.

Ako - Learning from each other

Ako - Learning from each other

We value ako; the exchange of learning from one another and enriching each other's lives.

He mea nui te ako ki a tatou: ka ako tatou tetahi ki tetahi me te whakarangatira i te oranga o tetahi ki tetahi.

Pono - Respect and integrity

Pono - Respect and integrity

We honour the Treaty of Waitangi and work with honesty, respect, and integrity towards people of all ethnicities and cultural backgrounds.

Ka whakahonorehia e maatau nga kaupapa o te Tiriti o Waitangi. Ka mahi maatau me te pono, te whakaute me te pono ki nga taangata katoa o nga iwi katoa me nga ahurea.

Strategic Priorities



Navigate - Finding the Way

We support our grandparents to navigate the complex legal and social structures that can act as barriers.

We seek to understand, act upon and deliver what grandparents and grandchildren want and need.



Advocate - Addressing Barriers

Our specialist advocacy services equip and empower grandparents to access the support they are entitled to.

We advocate on behalf of the community by lifting grandparents' voices to be heard and address systemic issues that limit access and support.



Support - Our Community

We strengthen our community by empowering our team and our national network of Support Group Coordinators.

We connect grandparents and their mokopuna to supportive communities.

We support grandparents through evidence-based programmes to address trauma.



Equity - Engagement and Care

Me Tuku (to give) - we aim to bring a Te Ao Māori approach in our engagement strategy to benefit Māori and all New Zealanders.

We are on a journey to upskill our board, staff and volunteers to ensure we build cultural competence.



Sustainability - Long-term Stability

We strategically increase and diversify our funding / revenue to secure our future.

We partner and collaborate to strengthen our work.

We measure, understand and share our evidence-based impact.